This past weekend we had friends come to visit!! It was so much fun to spend a few days with them! The couple on the left have been our neighbors for 27 years. The couple on the right are also our neighbors--just not for as long. But we love them all and were so excited to have them come and visit us! So of course we took their picture in the traditional picture taking spot.:-)
On Sunday they went to church with us in the little town of Sayula. Here they are standing outside the "Casa de Oración" (church building). Notice the men are wearing ties.
Here the men are after church. No they didn't just take their ties off. They gave them away.
Cute picture of the awesome sister missionaries working there.
On a different week we visited the small town of Ameca and attended church there. We loved our Sunday School lesson taught by this great missionaries!

It is sugar cane harvesting season! Every where you go you see large trucks hauling sugar cane. Many of those trucks are headed here! This is just outside the front door of the chapel.
Sometimes we go to the towns to see the missionaries, and sometimes they come to us. These elders came from the Santiago zone. The Tecuala Branch had a temple trip here and on the way home stopped at the office to pick up cleaning supplies for their church building. So glad we got to see them. (The elder on the right is the branch president in Tecuala and is doing an awesome job!)
Our sick elder. (He looks pretty healthy to me! :-) I love how he is wearing his name tag even while in the hospital.
This is one of the mango trees at the mission office!! Last year we didn't get very much fruit at all but this year it looks like we will have an abundance!! So excited for that!
And you thought these trees were only in Dr. Seuss books! :-)
While Connie was here we put her to work! Her cookies are famous at home--so we had her make some for the next mission council! (They are being safely kept in my freezer until then.:-)
Next up . . . zone conferences!~
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