Thursday, January 23, 2014

Yes, it is that time again. Interviews!!

This month we jumped back into the swing of things with interviews. Each time we do interviews a little differently. This time, while President Wagner meets individually with each missionary, the zone leaders and I conduct specialized training for the companion along with four other missionaries in the cultural hall.

Our emphasis this month is Chapter 8--Using Time Wisely--with a specific focus on the area books and planning. The zone leaders are doing an awesome job of training!

Meanwhile, I meet with all those learning English to see how they were progressing in their language goals. However, in Guadalajara, one of the sister missionaries who was injured and couldn't work outside, is helping us inside while she is recuperating. We put her to work taking pictures, helping with English and handing out toys and blankets donated from our home stake for children here in Mexico.

And so I was able to dedicate all of my time to visiting with the missionaries about nutrition.

Because . . . .

This is what the missionaries always tell me they are eating for breakfast . . .
 But this is what many are really eating . . .
It is true. I see them walking down the street in the morning, coke in one hand, cookies in the other. And that is even after they promise me they will do better.

So it occurred to me that maybe they need a little more guidance. Maybe they don't really know what healthy food is. So that is what we have been working on.

Some get it . . .

Some don't . . .

But either way we love being with all of them!

 REPENTANCE  . . .:-)
We have also been asking the missionaries to record on paper a special experience they have had during the past year to put in our official mission history. It has been so wonderful to collect the stories and read them. I may share some of them on this blog, but without names.

Some missionaries needed a little privacy to write.:-)

Here are some more pictures from our time with the missionaries . . .

The elders above did an awesome job on their planning sheet. Good job!

And the elder in the middle was celebrating his birthday. No better way to celebrate than with an interview with the mission president, right? :-)

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