Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Interview Tour. . .

Every three months we circle the mission doing interviews. We have nine zones in the mission--three to the north, three to the south and three in Guadalajara, and each zone gets its own day--which means we are doing interviews for nine days. But we spread them out and do three days a week--since we also have travel time.

This past week we traveled the southern route--Manzanillo, Colima and Guzman. I apologize profusely to parents who have children in Colima because, although I had my camera sitting next to me for seven straight hours, I forgot to take pictures. I repented the next two days though.

President Wagner officially interviews every missionary. We schedule 15 minutes for each, but most usually take longer. Although they write him weekly, this is the only time they have to speak with him personally (usually) and most take advantage of the opportunity. Which is great.

While the President is visiting with one missionary, traditionally I visit with the other asking questions like, "So did you get rid of those parasites?" (sorry moms!:-) Or any other health issue. But this time I met with the entire district while the President did interviews, and had the district set language study goals (both for those learning Spanish and English), had the district leaders check everyone's area book, (while I checked his), and then I taught a lesson from a chapter in the Book of Mormon.

The first day was a little rough on me (speaking Spanish for seven hours straight was not easy!) But I improved a lot over the next two days. And the missionaries were awesome. We studied a chapter together and I had them identify the principles taught in each verse, and even though I had studied that chapter many times before, I learned so much from their personal insights!!

Here are some pictures from the trip. . .

Gotta love the love!!
 So what do you do with leftover fudge that is sitting in your fridge tempting you? Give it away to the missionaries!!

Here Elder J is helping his companion with his English language studies! What a great companion.

 I guess if you find something you like--stick with it. :-) Agenda cover, scripture cover, backpack . . .
 The before . . .

The after.

 This zone--and Colima-- got Buñuelos for a treat--a traditional Christmas cookie here in Mexico. They were given to us as a gift from an investigator in Guadalajara who is getting baptized in a couple weeks--along with his wife and two sons. The elder above on the left is the missionary who tracted them out (back when knocking on doors was allowed in Mexico). Elder P (above) told me they found this family on "the worst day of my mission". Everything had gone wrong and every appointment fell through so they went tracting. And apparently it paid off. They are a great family and will be great members of the church.

 And the buñuelos were pretty good too!!

Next week we will be here in Guadalajara so --as long as I can remember to take the pictures--I will post them next weekend.


  1. I love reading this blog. Not that I thought being a mission president was a cushy job, but I really had no idea what went in to running a mission. My oldest son just turned 17, so it won't be long until our family is in the thick of missionary life. I appreciate the insights into what mission life may be like. Thanks so much for posting as often as you do. Keep up all the good work!

  2. Thanks for posting this! This is first picture we have seen of Elder P and his new companion! So great that the N family is doing well too! Take care in all your travels this next while!
